Saturday, December 5, 2015

KAPPA INVESTIGATION #2 - The Reasons Why Justin Wong Will Go 0-2 At Capcom Cup.

Before we get started, we have to acknowledge Justin Wong's achievements and contributions to the Fighting Game Community. He is definitely one of the most talented and recognized faces in the American scene. Being the undisputed best player of Marvel vs Capcom 2 and winning an EVO Championship for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 have pretty much solidified Justin Wong as the best Marvel player in history.  However, when it comes to Street Fighter 4, he is hardly considered one of the top 30 players. Going 0-2 in the SF25th tournament and Capcom Cup 2014 (he didn't qualify for the 2013 cup), this tournament is definitely Justin Wong's chance to prove that he has what it takes to win atleast one set in the year's toughest Street Fighter tournament.

Today we will do an in-depth analysis on why Justin Wong won't win a single set in this years Capcom Cup.



  • Quit UMvC3 and MKX to focus on USF4 until Capcom Cup is over. Justin Wong's only fighting game since EVO has been USF4 1 2 3 4
  • Aside from having a great Rufus and pocket Rose, he also started using Elena again, arguably the best character in the game.
  • Practiced with Hamad, Ricky Ortiz, PR Balrog, Julio, 801 Strider and more.



  • As soon as JWong announced that he would quit UMvC3 to focus on USF4, he lost against Chris G at Texas Showdown, a person that signed up in both UMvC3 and USF4. Source
  • According to a reddit thread, Justin Wong chose not to enter the Pre-Capcom Cup tournament possibly because he was scared of showing off too much tech or being downloaded. Tonpy was in this tournament and got 2nd place. Tonpy is Justin Wong's first round opponent in Capcom Cup. Some may argue that this is a good call, because he would've had the awkward situation of having to face Tonpy in a weekly tournament before the big major... but let's not forget that Justin lives in Norcal and Tonpy traveled all the way to Japan. When you consider that this tournament was held in his backward you can't help but consider that Justin was ducking on fear of getting downloaded. He could've used the opportunity to try a secondary character pick and see how it goes. Justin Wong mains three characters whereas Tonpy only uses one. Source - Tweet
  • This is not the first time Justin Wong ducks on an international player. An archived file from our past investigations suggest that JWong ducked on going to First Attack 2015 because Infiltration was going to be there. Source
  • According to our research; Hamad, Ricky Ortiz, PR Balrog, Julio and 801 Strider are not Asian. Source
  • Justin Wong qualified to Capcom Cup via the points system. This system is designed so that you can qualify if you attend and get top 8 at various events. Justin Wong is currently the #15 seed on the Capcom Pro Tour rankings with a healthy 310 points. The major sum of these points are the two ranking events he won, Northwest Majors (beating KojiKOG) and Defend The North (beating Snake Eyez). Both of these tournaments were lacking strong international representation so one could argue that they were free points for him. Source
  • He's American. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

KAPPA INVESTIGATION #1 - An In-Depth Analysis To The Kane Blueriver/Filipino Champ drama.

First and foremost; We have to make it clear that no members of the Kappa Conspiracy Team have any direct relation to Kane Blueriver or with Filipino Champ. We are running this report on a purely unbiased investigation process. We felt that there was a lot of confusion in regards to the events that transpired on the weekend of SCR 2015. We hope that you find this insightful and informative. We will try to link to sources as accurately as we can. Thanks Kappa! 



Nicolas "Kane Blueriver" Gonzalez: Evo 2015 Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Champion. Plays an underused team of Hulk/Haggar/Sentinel which focuses more on safe pressure and easy combos over neutral dominance and movement. Originally came to the scene after winning a tournament in his home country of Chile which sponsored his flight to Evolution 2012, which catapulted his career as a world-class fighting game player. Has a bad reputation of "freeloading" other people for rides or housing.

Ryan "Filipino Champ" Ramirez: Evo 2012 Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Champion. Plays a well-rounded team of Magneto/Doom/Phoenix, which prioritizes spacing and resource control over high health and guaranteed kills. Became known in the fighting game community as one of the top Dhalsim players in Super Street Fighter 4. Founded the FGC's first gaming house, FGTV Live. FChamp is known for being and explosive personality when it comes to talking trash and calling out other players.



  • July 19, 2015Kane Blueriver wins EVO 2015's the Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 tournament. This was met with an uproar from most of the UMvC3 community, as the championship was won by a foreign player playing a low-tier team, which did not sit well with most of the top UMvC3 players.

  • July 22, 2015KBR arrives to Japan. This seems more of a vacation than a business or training trip, judging by his social media profiles during these two weeks. 

  • August - September, 2015FChamp takes a break from Marvel to focus on other fighting games. (Rising Thunder, MKX and Killer Instinct)

  •  October 11, 2015FChamp wins the SCR 2015 Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 tournament. 

  • October 17, 2015FChamp streams about KBR, with lots of harsh accusations. Sparks debate about what it means to be a champion. It also sparks twitter drama with people that dislike KBR taking the opportunity to call him out on other things.



The biggest part of this drama was the stream/video that FChamp did talking trash about KBR. However there are some inconsistencies with the order of events as they happened and as FChamp describes them. Let's take a look...

  • 1:35 - "He was there on Thursday! The tournament was on Saturday!" FALSE 

As we mentioned before, KBR arrived just a few hours before the tournament started. This may have come with some confusion as [KBR **was** supposed to arrive on Thursday, but his flight got delayed.

  • 2:42 - "The next day, he plays an exhibition in San Diego with Hitbox Shogun"  TRUE

This checks out. KBR did play the following day in San Diego on their weekly tournament.

  • 4:08 - "I will play for the people" TRUE

Not that relevant to the current discussion, but he did play Chris G a few months after his EVO win
(at Season's Beatings), and he lost. Just an interesting tidbit here...

  • 7:50 - "You are responsible to promote your game" "I'm still gonna promote the game"   FALSE 

This is the thing that doesn't quite fit with FChamp's behavior...

FChamp was actively discouraging people from continuing to play Marvel after not getting Top 8 at EVO this year...

And for those two-three months after he was constantly reminding everyone that he hasn't practiced or played since EVO.

He was proclaiming the game as dead 1-2 months before winning SCR, which quickly reversed his stance on the status of the game.



Kane Blueriver was a bitch for dodging casuals and exhibitions at SCR, but his absence from the tournament itself is easily justifiable. No one wants to play in a tournament after a 12 hour flight from Japan to LA. We understand not playing on Friday, but playing casuals or exhibitions would've been nice to see before he left back home. Was this an issue of pride? Did he know he was gonna get bopped and did not want to give the American FGC a chance to beat him, so they hold that shit until next EVO? Either way, this was a bitch move.

Since KBR has such a bad reputation for "freeloading" rides or housing off of people, this drama served as the perfect opportunity for everyone to show their true feelings towards him. Let's be clear that FChamp did not address his "freeloading" reputation, he only attacked him in regards to his ducking.

FChamp was obviously fishing for a high-stakes money match, but he waited until KBR was back in Chile to stream and call him out. FChamp was smart in his timing as he stirred the pot at a time where KBR simply could not do anything about it (he was probably not going to do anything about it regardless). However, FChamp was intentionally bending the truth to make KBR look bad. This conflicts with a statement he did on the daily dot saying that KBR deserved the win and should be respected, and then stating on his stream that he's not a true champion. Mind you, he got mad at SRK for portraying him in a negative light just under a month ago.

Let's not forget how FChamp has personally attacked other players such as Dios X, Julio and Kazunoko before.

The main revelation out of this is a case of how two emotionally depraved men deal with lack of acceptance and insecurity, and how the FGC is enabling their toxic lifestyles. They're both using competitive video gaming to distract themselves out of the harsh realities of their lives.

Kane Blueriver has repeatedly stated how his local FGC did not support him (even though all of the support from his community on social media says otherwise), and is very quick to jump on the defensive whenever someone jokes or talks about him. He wants to be acknowledged by his "sacrifice" to leave his country to pursue a lifestyle of traveling the world, playing video games... but at the end of the day he is just improvising with other people's money and time.

Filipino Champ was abused by his mother as a child. He has gone on record saying that he hates his mother and wish she would die, and that her grandmother is her hero and the only person she truly admired. This is a sign of severe childhood trauma. He displays signs of multiple personality disorder, emotional-deprivation disorder, and schizophrenia.

We strongly urge the FGC to stop enabling these two individuals and encourage them to seek professional guidance to their emotional and mental problems. As long as the FGC keeps enabling this behavior, FChamp will keep his dramatic and attention-seeking behavior, and KBR will keep his begging and improvising behavior. Is this a good or a bad thing? This investigation rests its case.

The bottom line? Both Kane Blueriver and Filipino Champ are pathetic manchildren for getting so emotional over a video game.